[HANOI]Hanoi, Vietnam Part 1


This time we are travelling to Hanoi, Vietnam for the first times. Bring you with us to explore this beautiful country together. Hope you enjoy it 😉
Thank you for watching 😉

Information Link below:

  • 空港からホテルまでのタクシーサービスはKKdayのウェブサイトを利用しました。
  • 우리는 공항에서 호텔까지 택시 서비스를 위해 KKday 웹사이트를 이용했습니다.
  • We used the KKday website for taxi service from the airport to the hotel.
    https://www.kkday.com/ja/ [Japanese]
    https://www.kkday.com/ko/ [Korean]
    https://www.kkday.com/en [English]

お店情報/가게 정보/Shop Information
Mía Sầu Riêng- Nước ép- sinh tố
91 P. Hàng Bạc, Hàng Bạc, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, ベトナム
電話: +84 377 987 656

Bancông Cafe & Restaurant
所在地: Số 2 P. Đinh Liệt, Hàng Đào, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội 100000 ベトナム
電話: +84 965 300 860


Posted by Yukichannel